Programs Our Users Love

See why we have hundreds of five star reviews.

See why we have hundreds of five star reviews.

See why we have hundreds of five star reviews.


Personal Training

Personal training is the most effective way to transform your body and achieve your desired goals. Our Trainers work 1-on-1 or in semi-private training sessions (2-5 people) to build you a customized training plan, and provide expert knowledge and guidance while keeping you motivated and accountable every step of the way. You'll be amazed at the results you get and you'll have fun while doing it!

Online Training

If you are looking for the ultimate online personal training program to help you achieve your fitness goals then this is it. You'll get a weekly workout plan that is 100% customized to your goals, fitness level and equipment available. You get full access to the HBR Personal Training workout app that allows both your trainer and you to track your workouts, see videos and detailed instructions for all exercise routines throughout your program, track nutrition and so much more. You'll also receive 24/7 accessibility and support to provide feedback and answer any questions and a weekly video call to obtain feedback and modify your workout plan accordingly. All your planning is taken care of - just show up each day and complete the workout.



We believe that what you put in your body is a vital part of helping you achieve your desired fitness goals. We work with you to create and customize a nutrition plan based on your desired goal, lifestyle, and eating habits. To help keep you on track, you'll receive weekly check-in calls to discuss your plan and adjust it accordingly. You'll also receive access to myfitnesspal and other tools to help monitor your progress and keep you accountable.

At-Home Training

If you are unable to get to the gym, we’ll come to you. You might find that it’s more convenient to work out with one of our personal trainers in the comfort and privacy of your home and we're here to help. Our in-home fitness techniques include the use of free weights, resistance bands, steps, medicine balls, skipping ropes and much more. Our trainers have extensive knowledge and expertise in body weight training and the science and practice of exercise to ensure you're getting results no matter what kind of equipment you're using.


Kids & Teens

We have customized kids (5-12 yrs old) and teen (12-17 yrs old) training available. We'll help your child develop sustainable movement patterns, assist in injury recovery/prevention, improve overall health, receive general strength and conditioning for sports to help achieve peak fitness, and much more. Our programs are developed and led by highly qualified trainers, that specialize in building confidence, strength, power and endurance. We have options suitable for beginners all the way to the elite student-athletes.

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