
Weighing the Pros and Cons of Losing Weight Fast vs. Slow

Feb 2, 2024


Ever wondered whether slow or fast weight loss is better for you? Sprint versus marathon, the age-old question…

While both slow and fast weight loss speed have their initial benefits and drawbacks, understanding the long-term effects of these weight loss programs will guide you to the most significant forms of weight loss and how to maintain weight when you finally reach your goal.

Fast Weight Loss


  • You achieve your goal quicker

  • You can spend more time on other fitness guilds (ex: muscle-building)

  • You are less likely to give up

  • You are more motivated because you see larger weekly changes


  • Hunger and cravings tend to be higher

  • You are more likely to lose muscle mass

  • Less energy, fatigued

Slow Weight Loss


  • It’s more leisure; doesn’t impact your day-to-day life as much

  • More significant with preserving your performance and muscle mass

  • Hunger and cravings are much less noticeable

  • You’re not as tired or food-focused


  • Results come much slower, potentially making you feel like you’re not getting anywhere

  • Tracking your progress is trickier, especially as far as scale weight is concerned

  • You’re more likely to get tired of ‘dieting’ and give up

Which One Is For You?

While both options can work, it might be better to go with a slower and steadier approach if you find that you have binge-eating tendencies and are easily obsessed with food. On the other hand, if hunger isn’t a problem and you crave the results, then give rapid fat loss a try.

Regardless of your choice, it might be worth experimenting with both protocols — it’s a great way to learn more about yourself and see which option works best.

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