
Tips to Improve Gut Health Naturally | HBR Personal Training

Jan 10, 2024


Have you experienced persistent symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain and acid reflux? Were you able to identify the reason for these recurring symptoms?

A variety of organisms like fungi, bacteria, viruses and other microbes reside inside a human’s gastrointestinal tract, also known as the gut. The majority of these live inside the large intestine and are also responsible for the effective functioning of the immune system.

There are around 300 to 500 different species of bacteria in our digestive tract. Many studies have shown that an imbalance between these microorganisms can be associated with poor immunity, type 2 diabetes, and even anxiety.

First, if you aren’t familiar with the fundamentals of gut health and why its importance, check out my previous blog. In this article, we will list practices that you can do to improve your gut health.

  1. Consume a healthy diet
    A balanced diet is critical to healthy living. Your diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, proteins, fats and fibers. Plant-based and high fiber diets promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. Seeds, legumes, and nuts are also beneficial for the overall health of the digestive tract.

  1. Avoid carbonated drinks
    Not only do carbonated beverages have high sugar contents that harm microbial health, the acid in these drinks also encourages the growth of bacteria that cause stomachaches and/or diarrhea.

  1. Relaxation
    Stress and anxiety can have a grave impact on your gut health. A person should try to relax both the body and mind, which can commonly be achieved through following practices:

    • Meditation

    • Walking or jogging outdoors

    • Breathing exercises

    • Limiting caffeine

    • Yoga

  1. Stay hydrated
    The human body is made up of more than 60% of water. Water keeps the right balance of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract and protects the mucosal lining of the gut, which is why its recommended that a person drinks at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

  1. Eat slowly
    Eating slowly and chewing food properly improves the absorption of nutrients. This aids in the process of digestion too, as well as assists in reducing stomach aches and acid reflux.

  1. Uninterrupted sleep
    Experts recommend 7 to 9 hours of sound sleep daily. We often neglect the importance of sleep and do not prioritize it on a regular basis. Poor sleeping habits have a detrimental effect on the balance of microbes in the gut. If you’re looking for help on how, check out our blog on the importance of sleep for health and fitness.

  1. Take prebiotics + probiotics
    Probiotics are health, live bacteria whereas prebiotics provide food to assist the growth of these healthy bacteria in the gut. ***Please consult your general physician before starting to use these to avoid interactions or adverse effects.

  1. Identify food intolerances
    Some people can be intolerant to certain food items. The symptoms of food intolerance can include diarrhea, abdominal pain, and acid reflux. If these symptoms continue, a person should consult a general practitioner for blood work. These test results will reveal which food items should be avoided and/or removed from their diet.

We must take care of our gut health in order for our bodies to perform its functions effectively. Gut health is crucial for the human body and this list of day-to-day actions is an easy guideline for beginners. Try to develop a healthy lifestyle and always consult a doctor before taking any medication for improving your gut health. 

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