
5 Tips to Remember to Have a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

May 26, 2023


It’s that time of the year where everyone the weather starts heating up and everybody is ready for a long weekend. While everyone deserves to celebrate and enjoy their time off doing as they please, holiday weekends can be tough on your fitness and/or nutrition routine… With all the pool parties, BBQs, and backyard bonfires invites—or maybe you’re even going out-of-town—staying on top of your health may be challenged.Here are 5 ways you can stay on track for a healthy Memorial Day weekend while still having a good time this Memorial Day.

  1. Stay Active
    Plan actives and outings that involve movement! Think hiking, going on a bike ride, water boarding or tubing, visiting parks or botanical gardens, etc…

  1. Pair Up
    It’s more likely to avoid temptation if you have another person in your corner with similar health journeys. Plus, you can motivate each other!

  1. Come Prepared
    Pre-planning healthy meal options is highly recommended when it comes to sticking to your diet. Not only will you feel less tempted to break your nutrition plan, it will also save you time and energy. Look at it like this: meal prep is as an easy excuse not to waste food you already took the time to prepare, and it’s ready to go so that you can get back to your time off. Example: swap classic BBQ favorites like ribs and hotdogs for something healthier alternatives like grilled chicken and veggies.

  1. Set Party Limits
    Every adult deserves a cocktail every now & then, ESPECIALLY on vacation. We’re not saying you shouldn’t celebrate, we just suggest not to do it responsibility and not to over-consume. It’s hard enough coming back to reality from a holiday weekend—a hangover is only going to make it worse.

  1. Hydration
    Always remember to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.

These 5 easy tips can easily be adjusted according to both your Memorial Day plans as well as your health goals. Now get out there and have fun!

PS: If you’ve had your eyes on some new workout gear, trying out some meal prep services, etc. don’t forget about all the sales going on this weekend.

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