

Apr 11, 2024


By now you know that daily exercise is essential not only for your overall fitness and physique, but also for your brain health & memory, your energy levels, lowering your risk of developing chronic diseases, and helps with weight loss…

The good news is you don’t need a gym membership or even access to a ton of weights and equipment to get in a great full-body workout! Here are some of the best exercises that anyone can do to strengthen and condition their entire body, using only bodyweight! Plus, these exercises be done wherever—in your living room, outside, on vacation, etc.. and can be done in no particular order.

1. Bridges / Hip Thrusts

Bridges and Hip Thrusts are amazing for glute activation and engagement, working the hamstrings, core, lower back, abs, obliques, and hip flexors. The classic glute bridge will find you laying flat on the floor, feet planted about hip-distance apart, pushing through your heels to raise your hips to the ceiling, and squeezing your glutes at the top. Hold for 1-2 seconds at the top position, keeping a neutral spine, and lower back to the ground. You can intensify this exercise in a variety of ways from adding weight, adding a resistance band at the knees, using a single leg, adding more seconds to the top hold, or altering your tempo in how fast you raise/lower your bridge.

2. Lunges

An excellent move to work mobility, stability, and strength. Since lunges are a unilateral exercise, you can focus on equal strength on both legs. You can perform static lunges (no movement involved), walking forward lunges, reverse lunges, curtsey lunges, step down lunges from an elevated platform, and more.

3. Squats

The squat is truly a full-body exercise, working everything from legs to core and back again. You can perform regular bodyweight squats, toss in a mini band for extra tension, or add weight in a variety of ways, from dumbbells at your sides, at shoulder height, or even pushed up overhead for a major core challenge. No weights? Get creative and use any household item. Once you’ve mastered the classic bodyweight squat, you can switch things up by adjusting your time and tension: how many seconds it takes you to lower to the bottom of the squat position, how long you hold it there, and how quickly you drive back up.

4. Push-Ups

The reason the push-up is a timless exercise is that they truly work almost every muscle in your body. Don’t worry If you still struggle to complete one perfect push-up… Try getting stronger with Incline push-ups as opposed to on your knees. Simply elevate the push-up by placing your hands on a bench or chair. Once you’re ready for the classic push-up, start at the top of a high plank with your hands directly under your shoulders. Press your toes into the ground, brace your core and squeeze your glutes. While holding your body stable, bend your elbows so that your body lowers to the floor until your chest almost touches the ground. Your elbows should remain close to your body as you focus on keeping your hands pressed into the floor. Remember to keep your core strong and exhale as you push back up the top.

5. Planks

The traditional plank is an excellent abdominal and core exercise that will strengthen your back, chest, and shoulders! Fun fact: planks are a more effective (+ safer) alternative to crunches when it comes to building core strength and stability. If classic planks are too challenging, come onto your knees or try starting with incline planks. If you’re ready to challenge yourself, there are a multitude of ways to make planks more difficult, like adding more time to your plank holds, trying a leg or arm lift, or transitioning from forearms to palms and back down again.

6. BONUS: Step Ups

Steps ups are an excellent lower body exercise for glutes and quads. Depending on the tempo used, they can also be a great cardio workout as well! You will need a bench or stair for this simple exercise. Start by placing one foot on the elevated platform, and push through your heel to lift your entire body from the ground up onto the bench or stair. Using a slow and controlled movement, lower your body back down to the ground and to the starting position. You can complete the required number of reps on one side before switching to the other leg, or you can alternate legs as you go.

The great thing about these exercises is that they can all tailored to your current fitness level by simply switching up some of the training factors to make them easier or more difficult., like adding additional weight, incorporating resistance bands, doing more reps, less rest time, etc.

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