
Ten of the Abs-olute Best Exercises | HBR Personal Training

Oct 4, 2023


People all over the world are currently struggling with the same problem: how to lose stubborn belly fat.

In fact, some have been trying for decades and all of their efforts have been unsuccessful. Have you ever been anxious about attending a friend’s party where everyone is slim except you? Even when everyone is just enjoying the fun, it’s easy to be paranoid thinking everyone is looking, or worse—laughing. at your stomach. It also doesn’t when you have been on the hunt for the best ab training program, only to have your friend tempt you with cake or other sweets. 

Belly fat not only increases your body mass but also makes it harder for you to get in shape. This article provides you with a list of 10 great exercises that will help shape your abs and help regain your confidence. These exercises don’t require any special equipment, and it doesn’t take years for you to finally feel and see results. Some take about 5 minutes to complete. Try these bodyweight exercises and watch the magic:

  • Mountain climbing

  • Medicine ball slam

  • Burpee

  • Walking / Running

  • Standing belly press

  • Bicycle abdominal exercises

  • Jumping jacks

  • Crab toe touches

  • Planks

  • Leg lifts

***NOTE: For you to be able to lose weight and fat from the belly, you need to be in caloric deficit, which occurs when the number of calories consumed in a day is smaller than the number of calories they burn. This is done with nutrition and physical activity. You should try doing these exercises in an aerobic setting or even as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) which greatly improves this process.

Mountain Climbers
Have you ever seen people climbing mountains even without economic gains? You may think that they do it as a hobby, only to realize that they’re doing it for health reasons. A mountain climber is like a moving plank. They do a mini crunch as they explosively draw one knee into their chest.

Mountain climbing is fun but challenging. Your core should work overtime to help your body gain stability and straightness when you lift your foot.

The best way to lose belly fat is by climbing a mountain in intervals. Condition your heart to increase heart rate and burn calories.

Medicine Ball Slam
Medicine balls are perfect for explosive movements. They engage all the muscles between your hips and neck. By picking up the pace and powerfully propelling the ball with more and more velocity, you’ll be elevating your heart rate, thus burning tons of belly calories.

You don’t need to use very heavy equipment to get the benefits from this exercise. Working with a 3kg medicine ball is perfect if you push yourself and go hard.

If you want to shed your belly fat fast and work your muscles as much as possible… that’s what burpees are for! This explosive exercise involves shifting from one push-up position to jumping, and then immediately back to the push-up position. This exercise hits every muscle from head to toe.

Studies have shown that burpees are just as effective at boosting your metabolism as a thirty-second workout. So, rest assured that you’ll be melting your belly fat faster than before.

Walking / Running
This is an excellent exercise that will help you reduce belly fat fast, as well as lower your risk of chronic diseases such as high cholesterol or Type 2 diabetes. This exercise tones and strengthens your arms, legs, and abdominal core muscles.

Walking or running can help burn 100 calories per mile, depending on your weight. Start the exercise slowly and work your way up to 20-40 minutes every day.

Standing Belly Press
While combining exercises with a healthy diet is an easy and effective way of losing belly fat, you must learn how to manage stress. Stress management tops the list of the best things you can do for yourself. This can be anything from practicing yoga, spending quality time with friends and family, meditating, etc…

Try every type of yoga for exercise and stress reduction. Meditation and yoga are the best ways to regulate ghrelin (the hunger hormone), stress hormones, and other hormones that contribute to belly fat build-up. It can also help improve your sleep quality.

Bicycle Abdominal Exercises
This is a perfect exercise that will literally see melt the excess belly fat in less than one month.The following is a step-by-step guide on how to do it: Lie on your backKeep your hands behind your head and let them remain there for 3 minutesBend your knees and pull them to your chest. Straighten one leg and pull your upper body towards the bent kneeAlternate this between your legs, following the same process until you hit 20 repetitions -10 times each.

Jumping Jacks
This exercise is best for women who wish to reduce belly fat and improve their body shapes. While it may be a cardiovascular exercise, it can additionally work well with every muscle in the body.

Perform the exercise at high intensity to lose belly fat faster. Hit at least 20 jumping jacks and aim to do it thrice a week.

Crab Toe Touches
The exercise takes between 5-7 minutes and involves sitting on a flat surface with the feet in front of you.Quick instructions:Bend you kneesLift your hips off the surface with your hands placed behind youRaise your right hand, simultaneously lifting the left leg. Touch the left foot with the right handGet back to the elevated position and alternate the sidesRepeat the process several times, alternating the hands and the feet, respectivelyPerform sixteen touches, rest, and complete sixteen more

A basic, but effective plank will help you tone + strengthen your body and facilitate the loss of stomach fat by burning calories stored all over your body.

Put your knees in a push-up position. Pull your belly inwards towards the spine. Ensure that your back is straight; Remain in the position for at least thirty seconds. Try to hold it for a minute!

Leg Lifts
After taking a walk or running, consider performing leg lifts…

Lie on a mat, with your belly facing up and palms facing down, tucking beneath your hips such that the hands are just peeking out. Lift your legs and hips and work to keep them straight. Engage your core muscles in the process.

Repeat it 10-12 times.

All these exercises can be practical if you’re consistent. Which one do you find best?  If you’re looking to reinstate a stronger shape to your abdominal area, try them all out and see which works best for you.

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