
The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners

Aug 19, 2023


Although advertised as being “healthier” or better for your body than sugar, the truth about artificial sweeteners is not so sweet. It has become so popular for its alleged benefits regarding weight loss, especially since most products that contain artificial sweeteners slap DIET on the name… But dyou actually know what these manufacturers put in these diet drinks to make them taste the same but without sugar?

Artificial sweeteners, known for containing low to zero calories, are chemical-based non-natural substitutes of sugar used to enrich the flavor of foods and drinks.

One of the most eye-catching aspects of artificial sweeteners is that they have almost no calories. While this claim is very appealing to anyone trying to lose weight, these sugar substitutes have another side that may not be as helpful as you think… Yes, artificial sweeteners succeed in giving consumers peace of mind about consuming a low-calorie diet with little to no sugar, but in reality, subtracting sugars and using counterfeit methods to fulfill cravings only raises one’s desires instead of decreasing them! Eventually, you will find any substitute to satisfy your hunger and feed your inner demon, or sweet tooth!

Summary: the calories you think you’re avoiding by not consuming sugar are leveled by your increased appetite.

The Chemistry

Originally, the benefits of artificial sweeteners were first recognized as a safer option for diabetics. Nowadays, their popularity has exploded because the food and beverage industries have discovered that it’s easier to sell fewer calories. The most common sweetener substitutes are saccharin, acesulfame, aspartame, neotame, sucralose, stevia, xylitol, and erythritol.

If you’re going to use artificial sweeteners in moderation, here are the ones that are the safest to consume:

  • Stevia is one of the most popular sweeteners, which is claimed to be a low-calorie substitute for sugar. It has zero effect on raising your blood pressure if you suffer from hypertension; it can even help to lower it and helps control insulin levels. The down-side it can sometimes upset your stomach and cause bloating.

  • Xylitol taste is classified as sugar alcohol due to its chemical structure, which resembles both sugar and alcohol. It helps to improve the rate of bone thickness and avoids the rise in sugar level. It also prevents teeth cavities!

  • Erythritol is a zero-calorie sweetener that is found in fruits and vegetables. It is easily absorbable, controls your sugar level, and does not disturb your blood pressure. The only negative is that some people have a hard time digesting.

  • Neotame is an artificial sweetener that enhances the food taste. It is 8000 times syrupier than sucrose that makes it suitable for a diabetic diet without any adverse effects.

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